• 08/16/2021
  • 09/05/2022

Isn’t that the wrong translation?

I’m very sorry. The current translation has been translated by a translation site. Therefore, some nuances may not be correct. In the future, as sales of this content improve, we hope to hire more experts to improve the accuracy of the translation. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

  • 08/16/2021
  • 09/05/2022


Please observe the following principles when posting or posting on social networking sites on the Internet or other media that can be viewed by a large number of unspecified people.(As long as the following principles are observed and the rights of the parties involved are not infringed, there is no need for you to check with us each time you publish your work.) We do not allow any slanderous or offensive remarks […]

  • 08/13/2021
  • 09/05/2022

About Language

EASYTRIP allows you to play the application in any of the major languages that you can easily understand. Change language In the User Status tab of the USER SETTING screen, you can use the Language Setting in the Status item. Language Type It is possible to change to the following languages with high population coverage. English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Hindu, German, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Bengali Translation accuracy This is a machine […]

  • 08/13/2021
  • 09/05/2022

What is EASY TRIP Run&Walk?

This is an application that allows you to feel like you are walking, running, or exercising anytime, anywhere, in various regions and travel destinations around the world. Features You can play the game in a variety of ways, including smartphones, VR goggles, and TVs, with 360-degree views in all directions. You can check the distance traveled, calories burned, and time spent running as a result of your play, and save your own […]